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About Murray Works

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The success of our future workforce relies on powerful partnerships and collaboration between our school districts and business community. Spearheaded by the Chamber, the collective impact of the Murray Works Foundation promises to create a strong talent pipeline in grades K-12. Investment in the Murray Works Foundation is a direct investment in the future of our local economy & workforce.

MW 2025 Investors (Presentation) (2)

SPARK: A Career Exploration Experience

SPARK is an event of the Murray Works Foundation designed for eighth grade students.



LIFT Main Logo

The Leadership Initiative for Teachers program (LIFT) is a workforce initiative of the Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce. The LIFT program is a partnership between The Chamber, the Calloway County School System, Murray Independent School System and local businesses to ensure our educators are able to help students succeed in their future careers.

LIFT graduation



Preparing our youth to succeed in a changing world requires innovative thinking and providing opportunities to connect the dots from learning in the classroom to application in the workplace.

The Murray Works Foundation provides opportunities for students to experience, explore and connect with careers in our area.

You business can make a direct investment on our future workforce by becoming a partner of the Murray Works Foundation, hosting an intern, a job shadow student, or volunteering to come speak to a classroom.



A shared goal of the Murray Works Foundation, Calloway County Schools, and Murray Independent School District is to ensure all students grades K-12 receive a minimum of one touch point a year when it comes to career pathway exposure. A "Career Pathway Roadmap to Success" will be available soon as a resource for both students & parents.

Murray Works Foundation Board Members

Jennifer Apple, CFSB (Chamber Immediate Past Chair)

Aaron Dail, CFSB

Jerry Penner, Murray-Calloway County Hospital

Roy Riley, HUB

Nathan Crafton, Keller CPA Group (Chamber Board Chair)

Shannon Waltmon, Kentucky Farm Bureau (Chamber Incoming Chair)

Learn About Some Of Our Top Career Sectors in Calloway County

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