Chamber Checks make the perfect gift for your employees, co-workers, family and friends! Our Chamber Check Program offers a unique way to keep dollars and spending in our local economy. Shop Local, Shop Murray-Calloway County!
What are Chamber Checks?
Chamber Checks are gift certificates, purchased through the Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce that can be spent at participating Chamber member's businesses. Chamber Checks look like a check, but spend like cash! They are designed to be purchased with the intent of keeping dollars in our community.
How to I purchase Chamber Checks?
Chamber Checks can be purchased at the Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce. We accept cash, check, or credit card payments. Chamber Checks come in $5.00 increments, beginning at $10. We kindly ask that you call ahead to order your Chamber Check(s) as each check is "printed-to-order." A 24-hour notice is much appreciated for small orders and a 72-hour notice is required for large quantity orders.
The best/preferred way to order Chamber Checks is by emailing kristi@mymurray.com stating how many checks you are needing, what value each check needs to be and when you need them by. (10 Chamber Checks valued at $10 each = $100 total, need to be picked up by Friday XX/XX)
Where can I use Chamber Checks?
Chamber Checks are accepted at any participating Chamber member business and spend like cash. You can spend a Chamber Check on groceries to tax preparation, and everything in between. For a full list of our members, visit our Business Directory.
Our Policy:
- Chamber Checks are valid for 12 months from issue date
- Chamber Checks cannot be re-issued past expiration
- The Chamber is not responsible for lost or stolen Chamber Checks
- Merchants can choose to give cash back or store credit if not redeemed for the full face value of the Chamber Check
Please note: we are unable to provide a printed list of businesses that accept Chamber Checks as our membership changes frequently. It is up to each business and the manager as to weather or not they are accepted. In general, we recommend redeeming your Chamber Checks at our locally owned restaurants and stores. You can view our entire membership directory on the "membership" tab of our website.
How does a merchant accept Chamber Checks as payment?
Chamber Checks looks like a check, but should be accepted like cash at your business. The checks are actual bank checks drawn locally through CFSBank.
- CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATE (if the check is expired, it should not be accepted; the Chamber is not responsible to re-issue or replace a check to a business if it was accepted when expired)
- The merchant receiving the check may decide whether or not to give change back or issue store credit on a purchased item less than the face value of the check
- The merchant deposits the check as cash for the full face value of the check
How do Chamber Checks benefit Chamber Members and the community?
As a Chamber member, Chamber Checks can only be spent at your business. You miss out on business by not being on the list as a place that accepts the checks! We typically sell $30,000 worth of Chamber Checks each year, and growing! Those are serious dollars to miss out on as a local business!
Chamber Checks benefit the community by keeping more dollars in Murray and Calloway County. Keeping money in our local economy encourages businesses to expand and develop, creates jobs, and fosters community pride!